About us

About the website


The website provides a public service and offers for direct sale the unabridged book

A-Z of tree terms: A companion to British arboriculture, with large discounts for colleges, students and trainees.


The treeterms website was originally designed and constructed by Richard Borrie of

Orange Pippin Fruit Trees, York. It was revised and expanded by Liam Gomez of Warren IT Services, Folkestone.

About the author


Philip Wilson studied forestry and forest sciences at the Universities of Aberdeen UK, Canterbury New Zealand and Natal South Africa. He has been a farm worker, forestry contractor, forest manager, tree nursery manager, lecturer and researcher, and has published widely in the fields of plant propagation, wood science and top fruit culture. His formal publications record is at:




He is now an arboricultural consultant based in Kent in the south-east of England.